- 為何要選擇美加式教育中心
美加式教育中心,歷史悠久,一直致力推動ESL (English as Second Langue, 非母語的英語課程) 教育;美加式教育中心,進軍香港多年,成為華語地區首個教學基地,致力為在職及在學人士提供配合當需要的實用課程。在香港開辦的證書課程,此外為配合香港兩文三語需要,報讀英語課程,旨在令學員不是因捉到題而考取好成績,而是因為英語水平而考獲佳績。
ACE is a professionally expert English language training institute specialized in providing a myriad of English language educational services to aspiring individuals for furtherance of their English Language skills to cope with their essential needs for a plethora of public standardized English tests and examinations, vocational and professional advancement, as well as linguistic competence and proficiency in English usage and application in their study career and life.
All our English courses are elaborately designed and conscientiously instructed by our team of doctors of English language, who have committed and pertinacious dedication, profound practical teaching experience, and proven admirable records of inculcating students with flair and prowess in achieving public English exam results with flying colours, and brilliant and accomplishments in the field of English study, academic work, career preeminence, and personal life fulfil.
- 課程比較
一般英語學校 | 美加式教育中心 |
1) 利用電腦教材,極其量用外籍人士作面對面溝通。 | 1) 絕不採用電腦作為教材,全部導師面對面 教學。獨家精要教材,專為港人而設「聽、講、讀、寫」訓練技巧。所有專業華籍及外籍導師,極具經驗。 |
2) 教授內容缺乏,有些學校更沒有可言,只懂用不知名外籍人士作會話溝通。 | 2) 多年語言教學經驗,特為港人而設「聽、講、讀、寫」教學法,信心保證! |
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